Sept 29

couple weeks ago was pegged as the big game—I wonder how much that phrase is overused. Surely the most recent big game carried more weight than the previous….and the next one more than this one, etc.  Regardless; it was worth every minute spent prepping and participating for the day. Perhaps the most important was the … Read moreSept 29

Sept 29

When you’re almost on your own—that is; no immediate dependents, responsibilities or immediately at-hand obligations outside of your little world it can be easy to believe every instance = an emergency. Does the emergency become less important if it drops down from —feels like I need to do something right now— to I’m fully informed … Read moreSept 29

Sept 28

Couldn’t be easier: M>>S, 90 min/day @ painfully slow through desert trails.  Add in a 1/2 day of helping with a move, triple digit temps each day and surely it amounted for something. We’ll find out in a couple weeks. AniMal

Sept 21

Pretty anti-climatic end to the work-out week. 50 minutes on a spin bike followed by a Saturday goose-egg.  Grand totals……30 miles plus the spin on the bike….only 6.5ish hrs on the feet. Weak–felt more spent than less most of the week; multiple schedule interruptions w/misc appointments. Add in a travel day and a chaotic Saturday … Read moreSept 21

Sept 17 — Water Works

Coming up on the last corner of the lap I heard the engine. I immediately thought of a mower–one of the industrial/commercial sized used by lawn care companies. It had that solid, strong motor sound. I looked up ahead between an ever-growing bead of brow sweat; it was the third mile of speedwork after all, … Read moreSept 17 — Water Works