Sept 29

When you’re almost on your own—that is; no immediate dependents, responsibilities or immediately at-hand obligations outside of your little world it can be easy to believe every instance = an emergency. Does the emergency become less important if it drops down from —feels like I need to do something right now— to I’m fully informed and glad everyone’s ok–but please call me if anything changes? I wonder if it no longer is an emergency and instead is something to be aware of; and be ready to leap into action but nothing you can do. Sometimes the feeling of helplessness is more troubling than knowing you cannot help. Not knowing worse than knowing you cannot help in a neck-and-neck race with the winner really being the loser.
(update 9/28)
How painful is  a goodbye. How many goodbyes come with regrets–ever so slight.  I recall the graduation in the small, rural school gymnasium. The walk down the hallway peering at the rows and blocks of cheaply framed senior photos lining all available space. The limited space corresponding to the small class sizes. The occasional glimpse of a relative or friend who also passed through these halls from a few to many years in the past.  Each photo bearing more in common than the smooth skin, full head of hair and bright eyes of youth. They also carried the unrealized potential behind the eyes free of the burden of wrinkles, the hopes and dreams of themselves and their closest friends and family.
Fast forward seven decades+ and wrinkles have replaced the crease-less eyes; the stress of questioning thousands of  decisions impacting just as many people cloud the eyes.Yet the one constant through all those years can be the hopes and dreams of close friends and family.  Even better can be the seemingly endless people offering reflections and thanks for a life well lived, your time here well served.  If we could all be so fortunate.
