Shameless Product Placement

Every day we run into dozens of products and services, most unmemorable. Sometimes the most memorable ones are those that we utilize only on occasion; thus it’s a planned event. Others are so over the top great it’s difficult to not want to share them with someone.  Others leave so much to desire any outlet to scream Do Not Buy/Use/Take is wanted immediately.  I run into all kinds. I believe the first I mentioned was my (former) dry-cleaners.
Might also be my only. Here’s another. I fell right for the retailers trap shopping for weed killer. Product placement was perfect; at the front of the section the first isle to pass. 
I took a look at the ingredients and recommended use and figured it’d do the trick. It seemed a little expensive but I figured a slight premium to be eco-friendly was ok so dropped it in my cart. Continuing on for some plant/tree food I ran into two more rows of (non-eco friendly) options. Most of them 30-40% less expensive. I’d been duped! We don’t have that many weeds—most of the acre is natural desert ground-cover. The small amount that needs treated is covered in various ground-cover rock which makes it difficult for anything to grow so one jug’ll do me for months. As such I kept it. 
Two days later I’d sprayed the little buggers and am more than happy with the results. A pleasant odor, no dead wild-critters that may have nibbled on the weeds, and they pulled out of the harsh ground easily.  I’m sold. 
(not a paid-product-placement)