Canine Overload

Researchers in Japan have (discovered?) that dogs have been able to sniff out certain cancers in certain people. Gut Journal has the details for the doubters; like me. I dunno; our dogs are phenomenal but one’s afraid of his own shadow, one can no longer hear herself bark and one’s so nervous/anxious her jaw chatters as if she’s got Parkinson’s just of the mouth.  To think they might achieve a 98% success rate in detecting cancer is a little much for even me to believe. In spite of the research.  Make me laugh, yes. Detect disease? I’m suspect.

I haven’t seen my pack for a couple weeks now and it’s wearing me a little thin.  And a nod to Dax, the Shepard (borrowed for a few days from a sibling) who’s passed on since this shot.

wag more – bark less