Time Wounds All Heels……then Time Heals All Wounds

I’m a bit pigeon toed as well as bowlegged–more pigeon toed. This results in consistently striking the insides of my lower ankles with my feet when I run.  Sometimes when I walk! They’re almost always a little tender from that. It also leads to rather routine ankle sprains. As I’d mentioned around that latter part of last year both ankles were severely beat up by mid-December. I also have chronic tightness in my lower back and upper shoulders when on the bike. And I’ve had two rounds of plantar fasciitis over the past couple of years.

I went out on an AMPS+ walk Saturday a.m. {1.72 m/17:54 pace–enough for the critters) and noticed nothing (outside of the knee) was tender. That become obvious because the pups pull and yank resulting in unintended contortions. And nothing hurt. Excellent. Years of use and occasional abuse had resulted in routine rounds of maintenance ibuprofen. How great to be almost patched up as an unintended consequence of several weeks off. 
Our route took me close to The Taco. In fact, I was so close I could see most of the cars in the lot. Mixed emotions about that. I missed the group, the rhythmic slow(well, slow back in the day) shuffling of a couple dozen legs in unison. The mindless stories about nothing, the occasional one about something that really matters. The order it brings. The feeling of getting home when finished and having someone there to ask what sophomoric dialogue we managed to dredge out of one another to fill the time that slips by so quickly. The years of coffee with friends immediately after.  
I was sitting at a client’s after we finished our walk fidgeting with a new toy I picked up for AMPS+. A technological marvel~~I wish I could quit life and do nothing more than test products. Tear them apart, stress them to failure then figure out what went wrong. I like my new toy; it’ll serve as an adequate distraction for some time. As I was sitting figuring this thing out a string of guys from The Taco passed by the window. One even waved. That made my day. 

SpringBreak Week =
Wagging a Bunch!