PT 101

Day One of Physical Therapy didn’t start out as planned. I had a going-away party of sorts the night before that went on and on–and the first day of PT paid the price. I forgot my Dr.’s note as well as his specific week-by-week goals. I made a few up for the therapist~~ he knew better; I’ve been going to this guy off-n-on for nearly seven years for every manner of injury. Groin, hamstring, ankle(s), and a hamstring. Plus I even went through their clinic’s running gait study a few years ago; the one where you’re video’d at leg/knee/feet level then told how bad your gait it.  That was easy for me; both bowlegged and pigeon-toed they tossed in the towel and said pick a different sport. I’ll dig out that video one day and load it up. 

Clinic’s Elec.Stim. Unit
After catching up we went through a bit of repeat of the surgeon’s follow-up; where I am now vs. where I should be vs. where I need to be. I actually tested out a couple degrees better on the flex then a couple days prior. I spent nearly an hour in the clinic going over several flexibility and strengthening exercises and finished with several minutes of electrical stimulation. I’ve had that done several times (see prior injuries) and the clinics can cite all sorts of studies to support its use.  I’ve got a portable battery powered one and have started using it as part of treatment. 
Contacts to Force the Quad to Fire
We also spent a few minutes going over two activities I didn’t expect: pressing on the scars to help work out tightness in the scar tissue as well as forcing movement of the patella. Weird sensations to complete both tasks but I’ve been adhering to orders over the last couple of days.  If PT can be viewed simply as my workout for each day then I’ll remain on track. Frustrating for sure, yet I’m optimistic.