Lucky Number 28

Been a long time, my limited cranial capacity has been overloaded for weeks and I’ve long forgotten more than I can recall that I wanted to report. That said….we gotta start somewhere. 
Today was the first day of a week of big, big decisions coming out of the current session of the Supreme Court.  I believe today may have been the release of the biggest Opinion of all–you know, the one about the harassment of the physician at the U.of Texas Southwestern Regional Medical Center. You know the one. If a refresher is needed the full Opinion, delivered by Justice Kennedy (the Analogy Justice) can be read here: U. OF TEXAS SW MEDICAL CENTER, PETITIONER v. NAIEL NASSAR
Why is that the biggest of the big? Because it’s the one I was able to get in and listen to oral arguments!! 
Amazing that a couple hours of arguments–actually considerably less given the banter–results in a final document dozens of pages in length. Actually that explains why it takes so long to issue opinions and why the in-court argument days are few and far between. 
My case was big enough that it received air-play so by luck of the draw I picked a great day to sit in on court–yea me! 
Actually last week the first of my two cases was decided–this one an appeal of a decades-old murder conviction. It was far less memorable and animated in arguments yet far more impact-ful on a single life. For this guy his appeal was denied and he remains incarcerated on his charge.