I’ve been a bad friend

…to many for a long time.  Pick the reason, I’ve named and used them all. No time, not interested, booked, conflicts, work, tired, out of town, out of state.  Mostly it’s a combination of things; when isn’t that the case. A little selfish, a little exhausted, a little scared, a little coping. I’m reminded of this weekly, if not daily sometimes.

Resolutions are tough to keep. Recent studies have shown that just over 50% of people who make these commitments feel confident about them while ultimately barely 10% of people actually keep them. Being a better friend shouldn’t be that difficult. After all; it’s doing something positive for people you view positively.

It’s ridiculous I even need to build a relationship between the terms resolution and better friend; a pretty bleak representation of myself. Nothing that can’t be fixed; it’ll be a work in process. A little like me.