Hey Mister, Gotta Buck?

I’d planned to hit a class @ the Y tonight; couldn’t get away and settled for runner up. Which was fine; my own kickin’ tunes and some solo spin time followed by a super hot steam was just what I needed.

Pulling the bike off the rack I was startled by another guy on a bike. He wheeled up, stop and before I could get a fix on him, “Hey mister, gotta buck I could have to get something at the BK? Now, there’s not a BK within miles, in fact the only food within a few miles is the 7/11. In addition, I was alone, in the dark, freezing, having just come from a steam and a shower.

Knee-jerk I thought I had a buck or two in my wallet buried in the bottom of my bag. Buried in the bottom. In the dark cold with no-one around.

“Sorry, no, I don’t have anything extra, I’m just heading out.”    “Ok, thanks for your time”.
