100 Days of AMPS+

AniMal’s PetSitting + (AMPS+) began in December, 2009. Two years ago, how time flies. My first–and still #1 Best clients are the owners of Maddi, Tecumseh, Bandit and Blue.

Two years later and they’re still my best clients; it’ll be difficult to ever replace them. Nonetheless, AMPS+ became my occupation of choice right out of the chute and it’s coming along. Of course my primary responsibility is to our three aging critters; each of which has some unique needs and quirks but don’t we all. That falls on the expense management side; on the revenue generating side I’ve managed to reach 8-9 clients totaling ~~ a dozen pups, ~~ ten felines and a parrot. They fall all along the continuum in age, size and temperament. It’s safe to say no situation or client is anything like the other; that makes each job/day a little different which is nice. Some have responded so well to our clan they have become like family: (the smaller one is the guest)
Shadow and her much bigger house-guest taking it easy
Just Another Drive in the ‘Hood
Suffice it to say I still have much work to do for AMPS+ to be what we both want and need. It’s off to a great start having been fueled entirely by referrals (friend of friend of friend of…..) and it’s still on the radar, once a few more things around home are completed, to ramp up an actual marketing and promotional campaign. For now the one-offs continue to meet expectations and are providing great lessons in business model, to-do’s and not-to-do’s. Final grade through First 100 Days: B. Overall probably a little ahead of expectations yet too much reliance on folks wanting in-my-home care vs. in their home.